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There has been an increase in patient requests for copies of records from all medical providers. Many providers, including dentists, have been cited by the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for violating HIPAA rules concerning patient rights to receive copies of their medical records.
The OCR indicates that all medical care providers must be sure that they and their staffs are fully aware of all HIPAA requirements. There are many sources for information about HIPAA regulations but the best up to date information can be found on the HHS website. HHS has just made available a video training program for all providers and staffs specifically aimed at patient rights of access under HIPAA. It is strongly advised that all dental providers view this video program with their staffs in order to prevent OCR actions. The video and additional training guides and information can be found at the following website:
Click on HIPAA Health Information Privacy
Click on HIPAA For Professionals
Click on Training & Resources on the left side
Click on Video Training Module
The program requires registration, but it is free of charge.
Other links concerning HIPAA can be found on the Training & Recourses page.