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On January 20
th President Trump issued a Presidential memorandum that froze all pending and non-published federal regulations. This type of action has been standard for all incoming presidents over the past 40 years. This action postpones the EPA’s final rule regarding the installation of amalgam separators in all dental offices by 2019. The rule will now have to be reviewed by the incoming EPA director and resubmitted. This action does not affect the FDA rule banning the use of powdered gloves since that regulation was published prior to the January 20
th memorandum
Risk Management services are provided by Dentist’s Advantage and the NSDP to assist the insured in fulfilling his or her responsibilities for the control of potential loss-producing situations involving their dental operations. The information contained in this document is not intended as legal advice. Laws are under constant review by courts and the states and are different in each jurisdiction. For legal advice relating to any subject addressed in this document, dentists are advised to seek the services of a local personal attorney. The information is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and Dentist’s Advantage and NSDP expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to any information contained, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Dentist’s Advantage and NSDP assume no liability of any kind for information and data contained or for any legal course of action you may take or diagnosis or treatment made in reliance thereon.