Failure to Properly Perform Treatment in Treatment Plan for Multiple Crowns and Orthodontic Work – $55,200 Verdict

The plaintiff/patient, age fifty-five, went to the defendant dentist for treatment of tooth decay. A treatment plan for multiple crowns to be installed in the upper jaw and orthodontic work to straighten teeth in the lower jaw was developed. The total cost was $20,000. Most of the work was completed when the defendant dentist asked for additional money. The patient then began treatment with another dentist, which delayed her treatment. During this time, the patient’s health deteriorated and she required a complete set of dentures to her upper teeth and lost some lower teeth.

According to reports, a $55,200 verdict was returned.

With permission from Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts; Lewis Laska, Editor, 901 Church St., Nashville, TN 37203-3411, 1-800-298-6288.